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Brasshead American Gangster
Brasshead American Gothic
Brasshead American Hero
Ch. Brasshead American Woman
Brasshead Bailey N Cream
Brasshead Thunder Bolt
Brasshead Gothic Vortex
Brasshead Obe One Kanobe
Brasshead The Diamond Cutter
Brasshead The Toe Cutter
Bullroy Below Zero
Bullroy Nuts N Bolts
Bullroy Storm Cutter
Bullroy Blutigeroo
Bullroy Efficient
Bullroy Eskimo Queen
Bullroy Lazer Sharp
Bullroy Master O Reilly
Bullroy Purple Moon
Bullroy Zipping
Ch. Brasshead Bear Witch
Ch. Brasshead Bear Wolf
Jacamar Ace Of Spades
Jacamar Gypsy Eyes
Jacamar Heaven Sent
Jacamar Miss Jackson
Jacamar Posh Spice