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American Staffordshire Terrier
JCh.Mac, MnePure Power R-U Popeye Junior
🇫🇮 Finland, 2021-08-01 (55568/21)
Hip: B/B
Elbows: 0/0
Other health tests: Ecvo Eyes Clear, Cardio Clear, Ataxia Clear
Breeder: Janne Kovaljeff
Owner: Janne Kovaljeff & Sami Dugan
26 results found
Pure Power Calamity Jane
🇫🇮 Finland, 2024
Pure Power Bandit Scarlette
🇫🇮 Finland, 2024
Pure Power Billy The Kid
🇫🇮 Finland, 2024
Pure Power Texas Jack
🇫🇮 Finland, 2024
1 to 24 of 26